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Copyright Warning & Agreement 
The files here still retain the owners full copyright.
They are for you to learn Darkbasic by example code.
You agree to all these terms by downloading from here.
This area will host code snippets and programs for you to use. You will need Dark Basic to compile these programs. Visit the DarkBasic site and download the free demo version. Once again these are for non profit use. they are posted here to learn dark basic.



Code Example 1
This is one very cool particle system in DB.
Made by bloodlocust

Download the demo
source pending..
Code Example 2
Big gun has this great effects sample


This is what DarkBasic Code looks like.
copy this below into DarkBasic.
sync on
sync rate 0
autocam off
backdrop on
color backdrop 0

`change these to make different effects
something = 100
red = 255
green = 255
blue = 255
blur = 0

create bitmap 1,128,128
for i=1 to 1000
ink rgb(rnd(red),rnd(green),rnd(blue)),0
dot rnd(128),rnd(128)
next i
if blur>0 then blur bitmap 1,blur
get image 1,0,0,128,128
delete bitmap 1

for i=1 to 10
make object plain i,1500,1500
xrotate object i,90
fix object pivot i
position object i,0,i,0
ghost object on i
texture object i,1
next i

position camera 0,700,0
point camera 0,0,0

for o=1 to 10
yrotate object o,wrapvalue(sin(i-o)*something)
next o



copy above